Transformation starts with the business case for change
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Transformation starts with the business case for change
Cloud has become the new normal for organisations of all sizes but like any large-scale transformation project, migrating to cloud requires a strong business case to justify the move.
Transformation can be exciting, challenging, rewarding, exhausting, but almost always necessary for businesses to undertake to compete in an increasingly global economy. As we know, almost every transformation project starts with a compelling commercial business case to quantify and justify the change.
- During this session, we will take a step-by-step approach to building out the business case to justify the move with AWS. In this one hour live webinar, you will learn how to:
- Build the AWS cost base
- Address the typical non-cost benefits, and the components that make up the cost of change
- Look at the end-to-end business case and explore key sensitivities that make the most significant commercial impact to your business case